Susan Marc Lawley
Sue Lawley is a writer, educator, executive coach, award-winning entrepreneur and founder of Sisters-in-Script, a non-profit organization, which supports women (and men who write about important women’s issues) in publishing their debut manuscript.
Sue wrote her first poem in 3rd grade when her teacher, Miss LaRubio gave the class an assignment to “write about an animal as if you were the animal.” Her teacher loved her poem titled If I Were a Bird so much that she arranged for Sue to read the poem aloud in all three 3rd grade classrooms the next day. Not one to seek the spotlight, Sue veered away from poetry for many years after that experience.
Sue published a collection of poetry titled, Hieroglyphics of the Heart in 2011, about her years growing up in Greenwich Village in an Italian American family. This debut publication won Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest Self-Published contest. Sue’s business writing has appeared in “Coping” magazine, “National Business Employment Weekly,” the Olsten Group’s “Managers Letter,” and “Organizations in Transition.” Her poetry has been published in several issues of “WomenKin,” in the anthology Passing published by PoetWorks Press and one of her poems was accepted by Snapdragon, a journal of art & healing.
Sue has fashioned her own MFA by attending workshops and master classes with notable poets and writers in diverse locations across the United States for more than a decade. Sue’s current writing projects cross multiple genres and include a memoir, KEEPSAKE CONVERSATIONS: Family Heirlooms and the Stories They Tell, a second collection of poetry, The Calligraphy of Courage and a fiction project titled Unopened.
Born and raised in New York City, Sue lives in northern New Jersey with her husband Rob, a Yorkshire lad and son of a coalminer.
About Sue's Book,
'Hieroglyphics of the Heart'
Hieroglyphics are beautiful, fascinating, enduring images. So too are the poems in Sue Lawley’s well-crafted 'Hieroglyphics' of the Heart. In this debut collection, the author excavates generations of family stories and decodes the universal messages and emotions they hold.

If you wish to order a copy of Sue’s book, please contact her at sue@sistersinscript.org or click below:
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