Jodie Berlin Morrow, PhD

My love affair with reading began at an early age. The library was my favorite place. My dad took me to the library once a week and I had special permission to take out eight books a week.
I loved mysteries and books that were set in the 1800’s (and I still do).

I graduated from Oswego State Teachers College and taught the sixth grade for the next ten years. Then onto a career change – retailing and executive personnel at Korvettes and Alexander’s Department stores.

I taught career development for the American Management Association and that became the basis for the publication of my book, Not Just A Secretary. The book offered secretaries a practical career planning guide to show them what more they could do to maximize their career growth potential. In the book, I identified five main behavioral styles associated with secretaries and shows how each style affects promotability.

Using the teachings of Augusta Boal, “The Theater of the Oppressed,” I mentored a group of young people with craniofacial conditions. This group is active today and my involvement continues. Working with the Inner Faces led to the development of my dissertation titled,
Face, Theater, and Transformation: A Compendium Case Study of a Participatory Theater Project Involving Young Adults with Craniofacial Conditions. I received my Ph.D. in Human Development from Fielding University.

I live in New York City with my husband Bruce and our beloved cat, “ Mr. Cookie.”

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