Claudia Gentner, MLS

Educated as a librarian, but with a nontraditional career in business, Claudia is a reader, a writer, and a lover of book arts.

The local independent bookseller calls Claudia’s 35-year-old book group, “the depression book club,” mostly to describe the novels they typically read, but her stuffed, personal bookshelves reflect a wide variety of interests and genres.

Claudia has worked in established public and academic libraries in New York and New Jersey, and also built from scratch collections of print and online resources for special populations of users. Her roles include reference librarian at a public library, database researcher at St. Regis Paper Company, typesetter and layout artist at a busy print shop, business information center manager at American Cyanamid’s corporate headquarters, and chief information officer at Lee Hecht Harrison, the global talent mobility firm.

During her business career in the human resources consulting industry, she wrote how-to manuals, marketing materials, and extensively for publication on job search topics. Over the last half dozen years, she has self-published two children’s books as well as novels, memoirs, and family histories for other writers who thrill to see their own work in print.

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